Glossary of Types in Wallet components & utilities.
type ConnectWalletReact = {
children?: React.ReactNode; // Children can be utilized to display customized content when the wallet is connected.
className?: string; // Optional className override for button element
text?: string; // Optional text override for button. Note: Prefer using `ConnectWalletText` component instead as this will be deprecated in a future version.
onConnect?: () => void; // Optional callback function that is called when the wallet is connected. Can be used to trigger SIWE prompts or other actions.
export type IsValidAAEntrypointOptions = {
entrypoint: string;
export type IsWalletACoinbaseSmartWalletOptions = {
client: PublicClient;
userOp: UserOperation<'v0.6'>;
export type IsWalletACoinbaseSmartWalletResponse =
| { isCoinbaseSmartWallet: true }
| { isCoinbaseSmartWallet: false; error: string; code: string };
type WalletContextType = {
address?: Address | null; // The Ethereum address to fetch the avatar and name for.
chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution
isConnectModalOpen: boolean;
setIsConnectModalOpen: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
isSubComponentOpen: boolean;
setIsSubComponentOpen: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
isSubComponentClosing: boolean;
setIsSubComponentClosing: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
handleClose: () => void;
connectRef: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
showSubComponentAbove: boolean;
alignSubComponentRight: boolean;
type WalletReact = {
children: React.ReactNode;
className?: string;
} & (
| { draggable?: true; draggableStartingPosition?: { x: number; y: number } }
| { draggable?: false; draggableStartingPosition?: never }
); // discriminated union to allow for optional draggable and draggableStartingPosition
type WalletDropdownBasenameReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for the element
type WalletDropdownReact = {
children: React.ReactNode;
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element
export type WalletDropdownDisconnectReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for the element
text?: string; // Optional text override for the button
export type WalletDropdownFundLinkReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for the element
icon?: ReactNode; // Optional icon override
openIn?: 'popup' | 'tab'; // Whether to open the funding flow in a tab or a popup window
popupSize?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg'; // Size of the popup window if `openIn` is set to `popup`
rel?: string; // Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document
target?: string; // Where to open the target if `openIn` is set to tab
text?: string; // Optional text override
export type WalletDropdownLinkReact = {
children: string;
className?: string; // Optional className override for the element
href: string;
icon?: 'wallet' & ReactNode;
rel?: string;
target?: string;
export type WalletAdvancedReact = {
children: React.ReactNode;
swappableTokens?: Token[];
export type WalletAdvancedContextType = {
showSwap: boolean;
setShowSwap: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
isSwapClosing: boolean;
setIsSwapClosing: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
showQr: boolean;
setShowQr: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
isQrClosing: boolean;
setIsQrClosing: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;
tokenBalances: PortfolioTokenWithFiatValue[] | undefined;
portfolioFiatValue: number | undefined;
isFetchingPortfolioData: boolean;
portfolioDataUpdatedAt: number | undefined;
refetchPortfolioData: () => Promise<
QueryObserverResult<PortfolioTokenBalances, Error>
animations: {
container: string;
content: string;