Glossary of Types in Token components & utilities.
type FormatAmountOptions = {
locale?: string; // User locale (default: browser locale)
minimumFractionDigits?: number; // Minimum fraction digits for number decimals (default: 0)
maximumFractionDigits?: number; // Maximum fraction digits for number decimals (default: 0)
type FormatAmountResponse = string; // See Number.prototype.toLocaleString for more info
type Token = {
address: Address; // The address of the token contract
chainId: number; // The chain id of the token contract
decimals: number; // The number of token decimals
image: string | null; // A string url of the token logo
name: string;
symbol: string; // A ticker symbol or shorthand, up to 11 characters
type TokenChipReact = {
token: Token; // Rendered token
onClick?: (token: Token) => void;
className?: string;
isPressable?: boolean; // Default: true
type TokenImageReact = {
className?: string; // Optional additional CSS class to apply to the component
size?: number; // size of the image in px (default: 24)
token: Token;
type TokenRowReact = {
amount?: string; // Token amount
className?: string;
hideImage?: boolean;
hideSymbol?: boolean;
onClick?: (token: Token) => void; // Component on click handler
token: Token; // Rendered token
type TokenSearchReact = {
className?: string;
delayMs?: number; // Debounce delay in milliseconds
onChange: (value: string) => void; // Search callback function
type TokenSelectDropdownReact = {
className?: string;
isOpen: boolean; // Determines carot icon direction
onClick: () => void; // Button on click handler
token?: Token; // Selected token
type TokenSelectDropdownReact = {
options: Token[]; // List of tokens
setToken: (token: Token) => void; // Token setter
token?: Token; // Selected token
type TokenSelectModalReact = {
options: Token[]; // List of tokens
setToken: (token: Token) => void; // Token setter
token?: Token; // Selected token