Glossary of Types in Fund components & utilities.
type FundCardPropsReact = {
children?: ReactNode;
assetSymbol: string;
placeholder?: string | React.ReactNode;
headerText?: string;
buttonText?: string;
country: string;
subdivision?: string;
currency?: string;
className?: string;
presetAmountInputs?: PresetAmountInputs;
} & LifecycleEvents;
type LifecycleStatus =
| {
statusName: 'init';
statusData: null;
| {
statusName: 'exit';
statusData: null;
| {
statusName: 'error';
statusData: OnrampError;
| {
statusName: 'transactionSuccess';
statusData: SuccessEventData;
| {
statusName: 'transactionPending';
statusData: null;
type PresetAmountInputItemPropsReact = {
presetAmountInput: string;
currency: string;
onClick: (presetAmountInput: string) => void;
* To use this type, you must provide a tuple of strings with a length of 3.
* Example:
* const presetAmountInputs: PresetAmountInputs = ['100', '200', '300'];
type PresetAmountInputs = readonly [string, string, string];
type FundButtonReact = {
className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the button component
disabled?: boolean; // An optional prop to disable the fund button
text?: string; // An optional text to be displayed in the button component
hideText?: boolean; // An optional prop to hide the text in the button component
hideIcon?: boolean; // An optional prop to hide the icon in the button component
fundingUrl?: string; // An optional prop to provide a custom funding URL
openIn?: 'popup' | 'tab'; // Whether to open the funding flow in a tab or a popup window
* Note: popupSize will be ignored when using a Coinbase Onramp URL
* (i.e. https://pay.coinbase.com/*) as it requires a fixed popup size.
popupSize?: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg'; // Size of the popup window if `openIn` is set to `popup`
rel?: string; // Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document
target?: string; // Where to open the target if `openIn` is set to tab
Props used to get an Onramp buy URL by directly providing a CDP project ID.
type GetOnrampUrlWithProjectIdParams = {
* The Project ID of your CDP project created at {@link https://portal.cdp.coinbase.com/}
* This must be provided if you don't provide a sessionToken.
projectId: string;
sessionToken?: never; // You cannot provide sessionToken when using projectId
* The addresses to which the customer's funds should be delivered.
* Each entry in the record represents a wallet address and the networks it is valid for. There should only be a
* single address for each network your app supports. Users will be able to buy/send any asset supported by any of
* the networks you specify. See the assets param if you want to restrict the available assets.
* Some common examples:
* Support all assets that are available for sending on the base network, only on the base network:
* `{ "0x1": ["base"] }`
addresses: Record<string, string[]>;
* This optional parameter will restrict the assets available for the user to buy/send. It acts as a filter on the
* networks specified in the {addresses} param.
* Some common examples:
* Support only USDC on either the base network or the ethereum network:
* `addresses: { "0x1": ["base", "ethereum"] }, assets: ["USDC"]`
* The values in this list can either be asset symbols like BTC, ETH, or asset UUIDs that you can get from the Buy
* Options API {@link https://docs.cdp.coinbase.com/onramp/docs/api-configurations/#buy-options}.
assets?: string[];
} & GetOnrampBuyUrlOptionalProps;
Props used to get an Onramp buy URL using a session token created using the Onramp session token API.
type GetOnrampUrlWithSessionTokenParams = {
* A session token created using the Onramp session token API. The token will
* be linked to the project ID, addresses, and assets params provided in the
sessionToken: string;
projectId?: never; // You cannot provide projectId when using sessionToken
addresses?: never; // You cannot provide addresses when using sessionToken
assets?: never; // You cannot provide assets when using sessionToken
} & GetOnrampBuyUrlOptionalProps;
The optional properties that can be used to create an Onramp buy URL.
type GetOnrampBuyUrlOptionalProps = {
* If specified, this asset will be automatically selected for the user in
* the Onramp UI. Should be a valid asset symbol e.g. BTC, ETH, USDC.
defaultAsset?: string;
* If specified, this network will be automatically selected for the user in
* the Onramp UI. Should be a valid network name in lower case e.g. ethereum,
* base.
defaultNetwork?: string;
* A unique identifier that will be associated with any transactions created
* by the user during their Onramp session. You can use this with the
* Transaction Status API to check the status of the user's transaction.
* See https://docs.cdp.coinbase.com/onramp/docs/api-reporting#buy-transaction-status
partnerUserId?: string;
* This amount will be used to pre-fill the amount of crypto the user is
* buying or sending. The user can choose to change this amount in the UI.
* Only one of presetCryptoAmount or presetFiatAmount should be provided.
presetCryptoAmount?: number;
* This amount will be used to pre-fill the fiat value of the crypto the user
* is buying or sending. The user can choose to change this amount in the UI.
* Only one of presetCryptoAmount or presetFiatAmount should be provided.
presetFiatAmount?: number;
* The currency code of the fiat amount provided in the presetFiatAmount
* param e.g. USD, CAD, EUR.
fiatCurrency?: string;
* A URL that the user will be automatically redirected to after a successful
* buy/send. The domain must match a domain on the domain allowlist in
* Coinbase Developer Platform (https://portal.cdp.coinbase.com/products/onramp).
redirectUrl?: string;
type OnrampConfigResponseData = {
countries: OnrampConfigCountry[];
type OnrampConfigCountry = {
id: string;
* ISO 3166-2 two-digit country subdivision code representing
* the purchasing user’s subdivision of residence within their country,
* e.g. NY. Required if the country=“US” because certain states (e.g., NY)
* have state specific asset restrictions.
subdivisions: string[];
paymentMethods: OnrampPaymentMethod[];
type OnrampPaymentMethod = {
id: string;
type OnrampOptionsResponseData = {
* List of supported fiat currencies that can be exchanged for crypto on Onramp in the given location.
* Each currency contains a list of available payment methods, with min and max transaction limits for that currency.
paymentCurrencies: OnrampPaymentCurrency[];
* List of available crypto assets that can be bought on Onramp in the given location.
purchaseCurrencies: OnrampPurchaseCurrency[];
type OnrampPurchaseCurrency = {
id: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
iconUrl: string;
networks: OnrampNetwork[];
type OnrampPaymentCurrency = {
id: string;
limits: OnrampPaymentMethodLimit[];
type OnrampNetwork = {
name: string;
displayName: string;
chainId: string;
contractAddress: string;
type OnrampPaymentMethodLimit = {
id: string;
min: number;
max: number;
type OnrampTransactionStatusResponseData = {
/** List of `OnrampTransactions` in reverse chronological order. */
transactions: OnrampTransaction[];
/** A reference to the next page of transactions. */
nextPageKey: string;
/** The total number of transactions made by the user. */
totalCount: string;
type OnrampTransaction = {
status: OnrampTransactionStatusName;
purchaseCurrency: string;
purchaseNetwork: string;
purchaseAmount: OnrampAmount;
paymentTotal: OnrampAmount;
paymentSubtotal: OnrampAmount;
coinbaseFee: OnrampAmount;
networkFee: OnrampAmount;
exchangeRate: OnrampAmount;
txHash: string;
createdAt: string;
country: string;
userId: string;
paymentMethod: string;
transactionId: string;
type SuccessEventData = {
assetImageUrl: string;
assetName: string;
assetSymbol: string;
chainId: string;
type OnrampError = {
| 'internal_error'
| 'handled_error'
| 'network_error'
| 'unknown_error';
code?: string;
debugMessage?: string;
type EventMetadata =
| OpenEvent
| TransitionViewEvent
| PublicErrorEvent
| ExitEvent
| SuccessEvent
| RequestOpenUrlEvent;
type OnrampQuoteResponseData = {
* Object with amount and currency of the total fiat payment required to complete the purchase, inclusive of any fees.
* The currency will match the `paymentCurrency` in the request if it is supported, otherwise it falls back to USD.
paymentTotal: OnrampAmount;
* Object with amount and currency of the fiat cost of the crypto asset to be purchased, exclusive of any fees.
* The currency will match the `paymentCurrency`.
paymentSubtotal: OnrampAmount;
* Object with amount and currency of the crypto that to be purchased.
* The currency will match the `purchaseCurrency` in the request.
* The number of decimals will be based on the crypto asset.
purchaseAmount: OnrampAmount;
* Object with amount and currency of the fee changed by the Coinbase exchange to complete the transaction.
* The currency will match the `paymentCurrency`.
coinbaseFee: OnrampAmount;
* Object with amount and currency of the network fee required to send the purchased crypto to the user’s wallet.
* The currency will match the `paymentCurrency`.
networkFee: OnrampAmount;
* Reference to the quote that should be passed into the initialization parameters when launching the Coinbase Onramp widget via the SDK or URL generator.
quoteId: string;