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Glossary of Types in Transaction components & utilities.


type Call = { to: Hex; data?: Hex; value?: bigint };


type LifecycleStatus =
  | {
      statusName: 'init';
      statusData: null;
  | {
      statusName: 'error';
      statusData: TransactionError;
  | {
      statusName: 'transactionIdle'; // initial status prior to the mutation function executing
      statusData: null;
  | {
      statusName: 'buildingTransaction'; // resolving calls or contracts promise 
      statusData: null;
  | {
      statusName: 'transactionPending'; // if the mutation is currently executing
      statusData: null;
  | {
      statusName: 'transactionLegacyExecuted';
      statusData: {
        transactionHashList: Address[];
  | {
      statusName: 'success'; // if the last mutation attempt was successful
      statusData: {
        transactionReceipts: TransactionReceipt[];


type TransactionButtonReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the button component.
  disabled?: boolean; // A optional prop to disable the submit button
  text?: string; // An optional text to be displayed in the button component.


type TransactionError = {
  code: string; // The error code representing the type of transaction error.
  error: string; // The error message providing details about the transaction error.
  message: string; // The error message providing details about the transaction error.


type TransactionReact = {
  calls?: Call[] | Promise<Call[]> | (() => Promise<Call[]>); // An array, Promise or callback that resolves to an array of calls to be made in the transaction. Mutually exclusive with the `contracts` prop.
  capabilities?: WalletCapabilities; // Capabilities that a wallet supports (e.g. paymasters, session keys, etc).
  chainId?: number; // The chainId for the transaction.
  children: ReactNode; // The child components to be rendered within the transaction component.
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the component.
  contracts?: ContractFunctionParameters[] | Promise<ContractFunctionParameters[]> | (() => Promise<ContractFunctionParameters[]>); // An array, Promise or callback that resolves to an array of contract function parameters for the transaction. Mutually exclusive with the `calls` prop.
  onError?: (e: TransactionError) => void; // An optional callback function that handles transaction errors.
  onStatus?: (lifecycleStatus: LifecycleStatus) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the component lifecycle state
  onSuccess?: (response: TransactionResponse) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the transaction receipts


export type TransactionDefaultReact = {
  disabled?: boolean;
} & Omit<TransactionReact, 'children'>;


type TransactionResponse = {
  transactionReceipts: TransactionReceipt[]; // An array containing the transaction receipts


type TransactionSponsorReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the sponsor component.


type TransactionStatusReact = {
  children: ReactNode; // The child components to be rendered within the status component.
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the status component.


type TransactionStatusActionReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling.


type TransactionStatusLabelReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling.


type TransactionToastReact = {
  children: ReactNode; // The child components to be rendered within the toast component.
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the toast component.
  durationMs?: number; // An optional value to customize time until toast disappears
  position?: 'top-center' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-right'; // An optional position property to specify the toast's position on the screen.


type TransactionToastActionReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling.


type TransactionToastIconReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling.


type TransactionToastLabelReact = {
  className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling.


type WalletCapabilities = {
  paymasterService?: PaymasterService;