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Glossary of Types in Identity components & utilities.


type AddressReact = {
  address?: Address | null; // The Ethereum address to render.
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top span element.
  isSliced?: boolean; // Determines if the displayed address should be sliced.


type Attestation = {
  attester: Address; // the attester who created the attestation.
  decodedDataJson: string; // The attestation data decoded to JSON.
  expirationTime: number; // The Unix timestamp when the attestation expires (0 for no expiration).
  id: string; // The unique identifier of the attestation.
  recipient: Address; // The Ethereum address of the recipient of the attestation.
  revocationTime: number; // The Unix timestamp when the attestation was revoked, if applicable.
  revoked: boolean; // A boolean indicating whether the attestation is revocable or not.
  schemaId: EASSchemaUid; // The schema identifier associated with the attestation.
  time: number; // The Unix timestamp when the attestation was created.


type AvatarReact = {
  address?: Address | null; // The Ethereum address to fetch the avatar for.
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
  loadingComponent?: JSX.Element; // Optional custom component to display while the avatar data is loading.
  defaultComponent?: JSX.Element; // Optional custom component to display when no ENS name or avatar is available.
  children?: ReactNode; // Optional attestation by passing Badge component as its children
} & ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>; // Optional additional image attributes to apply to the avatar.


type BadgeReact = {
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top span element.


export type BaseMainnetName = `${string}.base.eth`;


type Basename = BaseMainnetName | BaseSepoliaName;


type BaseSepoliaName = `${string}.basetest.eth`;


type EASSchemaUid = `0x${string}`;


type EASChainDefinition = {
  easGraphqlAPI: string; // EAS GraphQL API endpoint
  id: number; // blockchain source id
  schemaUids: EASSchemaUid[]; // Array of EAS Schema UIDs


type EthBalanceReact = {
  address?: Address;
  className?: string;


type GetAddress = {
  name: string | Basename;
  chain?: Chain;


type GetAddressReturnType = Address | null;


type GetAttestationsOptions = {
  schemas?: EASSchemaUid[];
  revoked?: boolean;
  expirationTime?: number;
  limit?: number;


type GetAvatar = {
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution
  ensName: string; // The ENS name to fetch the avatar for.


type GetAvatarReturnType = string | null;


type GetName = {
  address: Address;
  chain?: Chain;


type GetNameReturnType = string | null;


type IdentityContextType = {
  address: Address; // The Ethereum address to fetch the avatar and name for.
  schemaId?: Address | null; // The Ethereum address of the schema to use for EAS attestation.


type IdentityReact = {
  address?: Address; // The Ethereum address to fetch the avatar and name for.
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution
  children: ReactNode;
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
  schemaId?: Address | null; // The Ethereum address of the schema to use for EAS attestation.
  hasCopyAddressOnClick?: boolean;


type NameReact = {
  address?: Address | null; // Ethereum address to be displayed.
  children?: ReactNode; // Optional attestation by passing Badge component as its children
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top span element.
} & HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>; // Optional additional span attributes to apply to the name.


type UseAddressOptions = {
  name: string | Basename; // The ENS or Basename for which the Ethereum address is to be fetched
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution


type UseAvatarOptions = {
  ensName: string;
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution


type UseQueryOptions = {
  enabled?: boolean;
  cacheTime?: number;


type UseNameOptions = {
  address: Address; // The Ethereum address for which the ENS name is to be fetched.
  chain?: Chain; // Optional chain for domain resolution