Contribution Guide
Welcome to OnchainKit! So you want to contribute to this project? You came to the right place.
In this guide, you will learn how to:
Clone this repo
git clone
Install node + yarn
Use nvm, mise, n or whatever works for you. Once node is installed, run this to enable yarn:
corepack enable
Install dependencies
cd onchainkit
yarn install
Here is a rough layout of this codebase:
├── src
│ ├── core/ - Files with zero dependencies
│ ├── token/ - Token
│ │ ├── components/ - React components
│ │ │ ├── {Name}.tsx
│ │ │ ├── {Name}.test.tsx
│ │ │ └── {Name}.css
│ │ ├── core/ - Utility functions
│ │ ├── index.ts - Entrypoint for the folder
│ │ └── types.ts - Export types
│ │
│ ├── index.ts - Typescript entrypoint
│ ├── index.css - CSS entrypoint
│ └── OnchainKitProvider.tsx - OnchainKit provider
└── site/
├── sidebar.ts - Controls sidebar for the doc site
└── docs/pages/**/*.mdx - Documentation location
We use Vocs to power this site. Vocs includes support for twoslash to display types in code blocks on an opt-in basis.
To enable twoslash in any ts/tsx code block you can add twoslash after your code block declaration, i.e. ```tsx twoslash
If your codeblock is not valid, you will see errors generated from twoslash. If you cannot resolve these errors in code, it is possible to suppress twoslash using the noErrors syntax.
// @noErrors: 2304 - Cannot find name
Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. It helps you develop and share hard-to-reach states and edge cases without needing to run your whole app.
To develop and test your components in Storybook, run the following command:
yarn storybook:dev
# In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:6006/
Write and update existing unit tests. You can watch file changes and rerun tests automatically like this:
yarn test --watch
We expect 100% code coverage for any updates. You can get coverage information with:
yarn test:coverage
If the coverage drops below 100%, look at the coverage report generated by the above command with:
open coverage/index.html
Testing UI with hot reload
We use this doc site to test UI changes.
Navigate to the markdown used for the given file you are updating (i.e. site/docs/pages/identity/avatar.mdx
and change the import using relative import path like this:
import { Avatar } from '../../../../src/identity';
To bring up the doc site, run:
cd site
yarn install
yarn dev
# In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:5173
Your changes should automatically reflect in the doc site
Updating changelog
To update the change log, run:
yarn changeset
Select minor
and use the following format for the summary:
- **feat**: feature update information. By @your-github-id #XX (XX is the PR number)
Use possible values are:
Feature request
Have a component in mind that we are not supporting yet? You can submit a feature request to our Github. Create a "New issue" and label it "Feature Request: ..."