Glossary of Types in Swap components & utilities.
type Fee = {
amount: string; // The amount of the fee
baseAsset: Token; // The base asset for the fee
percentage: string; // The percentage of the fee
type QuoteWarning = {
description?: string; // The description of the warning
message?: string; // The message of the warning
type?: string; // The type of the warning
type LifecycleStatusDataShared = {
isMissingRequiredField: boolean;
maxSlippage: number;
type LifecycleStatus =
| {
statusName: 'init';
statusData: LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'error';
statusData: SwapError & LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'amountChange';
statusData: {
amountFrom: string;
amountTo: string;
tokenFrom?: Token;
tokenTo?: Token;
} & LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'slippageChange';
statusData: LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'transactionPending';
statusData: LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'transactionApproved';
statusData: {
transactionHash: Hex;
transactionType: 'ERC20' | 'Permit2';
} & LifecycleStatusDataShared;
| {
statusName: 'success';
statusData: {
transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt;
} & LifecycleStatusDataShared;
type SwapAmountInputReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
delayMs?: number; // The debounce delay in milliseconds
label: string; // Descriptive label for the input field
swappableTokens?: Token[]; // Swappable tokens
token?: Token; // Selected token
type: 'to' | 'from'; // Identifies if component is for toToken or fromToken
type SwapButtonReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
disabled?: boolean; // Disables swap button
type SwapError = {
code: string; // The error code representing the type of swap error.
error: string; // The error message providing details about the swap error.
message: string; // The error message providing details about the swap error.
type SwapMessageReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
type SwapQuote = {
amountReference: string; // The reference amount for the quote
from: Token; // The source token for the swap
fromAmount: string; // The amount of the source token
fromAmountUSD: string; // The USD value of the source token
hasHighPriceImpact: boolean; // Whether the price impact is high
priceImpact: string; // The price impact of the swap
slippage: string; // The slippage of the swap
to: Token; // The destination token for the swap
toAmount: string; // The amount of the destination token
toAmountUSD: string; // The USD value of the destination token
warning?: QuoteWarning; // The warning associated with the quote
type SwapReact = {
children: ReactNode;
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
config?: {
maxSlippage: number; // Maximum acceptable slippage for a swap (e.g., 3 for 3%). This is a percentage, not basis points;
experimental?: {
* Whether to use a DEX aggregator.
* true - 0x Aggregator
* false - Uniswap V3
* @default false
useAggregator: boolean;
isSponsored?: boolean; // An optional setting to sponsor swaps with a Paymaster. (default: false)
onError?: (error: SwapError) => void; // An optional callback function that handles errors within the provider.
onStatus?: (lifecycleStatus: LifecycleStatus) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the component lifecycle state
onSuccess?: (transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the transaction receipt
title?: string; // Title for the Swap component. (default: "Swap")
export type SwapDefaultReact = {
to: Token[]; // Swappable tokens (first token in array will be initial token selected)
from: Token[]; // Swappable tokens (first token in array will be initial token selected)
disabled?: boolean; // Disables swap button
} & Omit<SwapReact, 'children'>;
type SwapSettingsReact = {
children: ReactNode;
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
icon?: ReactNode; // Optional icon override
text?: string; // Optional text override
type SwapSettingsSlippageDescriptionReact = {
children: ReactNode;
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
type SwapSettingsSlippageInputReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
type SwapSettingsSlippageTitleReact = {
children: ReactNode;
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
type SwapToastReact = {
className?: string; // An optional CSS class name for styling the toast component.
durationMs?: number; // An optional value to customize time until toast disappears
position?: 'top-center' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-right'; // An optional position property to specify the toast's position on the screen.
type SwapToggleButtonReact = {
className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
type Transaction = {
chainId: number; // The chain ID
data: Hex; // The data for the transaction
gas: bigint; // The gas limit
maxFeePerGas?: bigint | undefined; // The maximum fee per gas
maxPriorityFeePerGas?: bigint | undefined; // The maximum priority fee per gas
nonce?: number; // The nonce for the transaction
to: Address; // The recipient address
value: bigint; // The value of the transaction