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Glossary of Types in Buy components & utilities.


type BuyReact = {
  className?: string; // Optional className override for top div element.
  config?: {
    maxSlippage: number; // Maximum acceptable slippage for a swap (e.g., 3 for 3%). This is a percentage, not basis points.
  experimental?: {
     * Whether to use a DEX aggregator.
     * true - 0x Aggregator
     * false - Uniswap V3
     * @default false
    useAggregator: boolean;
  isSponsored?: boolean; // An optional setting to sponsor swaps with a Paymaster. (default: false)
  onError?: (error: SwapError) => void; // An optional callback function that handles errors within the provider.
  onStatus?: (lifecycleStatus: LifecycleStatus) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the component lifecycle state.
  onSuccess?: (transactionReceipt?: TransactionReceipt) => void; // An optional callback function that exposes the transaction receipt.
  fromToken?: Token; // An optional token to swap from. (USDC and ETH supported by default)
  toToken: Token; // The token to purchase.